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Three by Kristen Simmons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Dear Kristen Simmons:
I’m not even sure where I’m supposed to start or what I’m supposed to say about this final book in the Article 5 series. It’s bittersweet for sure, because I’ve loved this series and its characters from the second I picked up the first book. Chase and Ember have pulled me into their lives, and I’m sad to see the end… but as you might have seen in my last update, this was perfection. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.
Three starts shortly after the end of Breaking Point, and Chase, Ember and the members of their small group are trying to find a safe place for everyone. The ruins of the safe house they were looking for are behind them now, and as they hide and take shelter in the abandoned cities and shells of homes along their path, they search for a new safe house. They aren’t without hope because they continue to see signs of Three, an organization they hope will be able to help them.
Along the way, Chase encounters someone he never expected to see again, and who impacts this story in more ways than one.
Of course the path Chase and Ember follow isn’t easy. How could it be? Even when they find the place they think could become a safe haven, they are faced with questionable allies, uprisings on the outside and betrayal.
I’m not going to say anything more about the story, I won’t ruin the amazing job that Simmons has done here, but I’m going to give you 10 reasons why you should read:
1. Action, Action, Action – this book is so full of it you won’t be able to put it down because there just isn’t a good place to stop.
2. Kissing.
3. The barn.
4. Amazing characters who jump off the page and into your heart. I adore Ember and her determination and Chase and his perseverance and Sean and Rebecca are just as wonderful.
5. Belt Loops I reached for his waistband, threaded a finger through the belt loop, and pulled him closer.
6. Kissing.
7. The relationships complicated or not between each and every one of these characters.
8. The Swoon – I felt the rough skin, the ridges, tracing the map of his body. And waited.
“Two months in I tried to run.” A hint of a smile touched his lips. “There was this girl at home. The kind that made you want to try.”
9. Kissing.
10. The Sweet –“You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Basically I marked the crap out of this book and I plan to reread this whole series back to back when the book comes out in February. Now, please forgive me for this vague, flaily, non-review review LOL
Simmons had me on the edge of my seat with every twist and turn as I read… I never knew who to trust or who was on which side and still she managed to swoon the crap out of me. You can’t help but root for Chase and Ember and those fighting the injustices piled on them.
I laughed, I cheered, I flailed and I swooned while reading this. I swear you will do the same. If you haven’t started this series you’re missing out on an incredible story with amazing characters that will burrow their way into your heart.
For a fast-paced, action filled dystopian series this is one you can’t miss out on. Thank you to Kristen for sharing Chase & Ember's amazing story with us readers.
Thank you to Kristen for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.
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