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Fiction Fare

I read books like it's my job... even though it's not! My blog is called Fic Fare! Please make sure you're following me over there www.fictionfare.blogspot.com  

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Other things you might want to know... - I read... too much sometimes probably, but I love it. - I love to use gifs. you've been warned. - I'm not afraid to share my opinion. Even if it's unpopular. We can't all like the same things, but I'll be respectful and I expect you to be as well. Thanks for checking me out! Can't wait to discuss all the books with you!!

Currently reading

Finnikin of the Rock
Melina Marchetta
The Unwanteds
Lisa McMann
Emma Trevayne
Steelheart (Reckoners, #1)
Brandon Sanderson
In Time (The Darkest Minds, #1.5)
Alexandra Bracken

Two (One Universe #2) By LeighAnn Kopans

Two - LeighAnn Kopans

Two (One Universe #2)Two by LeighAnn Kopans
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Two is … well, book two in the One Universe and it picks up shortly after book one leaves us.

Elias and Merrin are on the run, they’re looking for someplace safe where they can regroup and hopefully get some answers. They find themselves at the Social Welfare Hub but not for long. Fisk is determined to get the formulas… and Merrin back.

A bomb sends them on the run again and has them at the Clandestine Services Hub where President Masters is more than happy to help them.
But everything isn’t as it seems and when Merrin uncovers some of Fisk’s bigger plans, she finds herself heading back to Biotech to recover something that could change the lives of Super’s everywhere.
Add to all that the stress that Elias is feeling over his sisters. He’s determined to find and help them before their powers destroy what’s left of them

I was really excited to read this and Kopans certainly didn’t disappoint. The journey these characters go on is intense and action packed and what a roller-coaster ride. If you loved Elias and Merrin in book 1, you’re going to be so happy with the path their story is on. Plus, Elias’s point of view is full of win and getting the opportunity to get a deeper feel for the emotions he has and the feelings he has for Merrin was perfection. The struggle he has with simply wanting to live a normal life had me wanting to clasp him to my chest and hide him away forever. But normal is just not on the agenda for these kids.

I’ll be honest, there were times I wanted to shake Merrin, she was so focused on the desire to enhance her one, (which I get) that she often times put everyone else on the backburner. I wanted her to be more concerned about the twins and more concerned about her relationship with Elias.

In addition to our main characters we get Leni and Daniel of course, but we are introduced to some amazing new secondary characters which I’m incredibly excited to get to know more about. From Hayley to Click to Gallagher and Vera as well as President Masters… they all jumped off the page for me and just add to the wonderful plot. Kopans also feeds my geeky side with all her characters and I love it.

I can’t really get into many of the details of the story without potentially spoiling things… but I will tell you this. Kopans weaves tons of action with elements of mystery, and suspense, as well as first love and romance into this amazing series. If you haven’t started it yet, go now and get these books. You’ll thank me later!

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