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Fiction Fare

I read books like it's my job... even though it's not! My blog is called Fic Fare! Please make sure you're following me over there www.fictionfare.blogspot.com  

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Other things you might want to know... - I read... too much sometimes probably, but I love it. - I love to use gifs. you've been warned. - I'm not afraid to share my opinion. Even if it's unpopular. We can't all like the same things, but I'll be respectful and I expect you to be as well. Thanks for checking me out! Can't wait to discuss all the books with you!!

Currently reading

Finnikin of the Rock
Melina Marchetta
The Unwanteds
Lisa McMann
Emma Trevayne
Steelheart (Reckoners, #1)
Brandon Sanderson
In Time (The Darkest Minds, #1.5)
Alexandra Bracken

Betrayals in Spring

Betrayals in Spring - Trisha Leigh Gah... this book - I mean... after reading this third book, I'm dying to get my hands on the fourth and final book in this series.Betrayals in Spring opens with Althea and Lucas finally reunited!! The three of them, make their way to a safe-house of sorts and are forced to sort through where they stand what their ultimate plan is. That's easy for Althea... find Deshi and join forces to save Earth from The Others. Of course everything can't be that easy. For as much as Althea wants to throw herself into Lucas's arms and tell him how much she missed him, there is something different about him. So they keep their distance."I get it Althea. Nothing is the same. Not you, not me. Certainly not us." His gaze flicks to Pax again, almost as though he can't help it.My body almost rips in two, half wanting to shake sense into Lucas and the other part dying to step into his arms and beg him to see that we can still figure this out- that just because things have changed doesn't have to mean they're gone.I'll admit it... after Winter Omens, I was on the fence about Lucas and to be honest, I was on the fence about him through the beginning of book 3, but HOMG this boy gave me all the feels."...I know we spent some time apart, and that we didn't make each other any promises last autumn. We didn't have time, really, but I wold have, Althea. I still would."My heart bangs against my rib cage. I want him to stop talking. I want him to talk forever."But I know you're scared of believing in a someday that might not come true..."Lucas was left alone last season and he only had his element father to connect with and it seems to Althea as though his views on what their purpose in this world is, might have changed. You can sense her holding back with him which is why their relationship is strained. Then the unthinkable happens and Lucas is forced to help The Others and she worries that she might lose him for good.No matter what happens though, Althea is convinced that the next move is to find Deshi and so with a little help they determine where they need to go. And this is where I stop telling you about the story! I absolutely love the characters in this series. Althea is strong and determined and while there is the underlying romance, it's not her main focus. She's determined to save Earth and save its inhabitants... her love life will have to take a backseat! She won't let either Lucas or Pax get in the way of her goal. Even the secondary characters of Greer and Griffin and Nat are wonderfully done and I hope we get some more of them in book 4. This story again has fast paced action and lots of twists and turns that I think all readers will enjoy, and the end has me counting down the days to February 19th and the release of the final book Summer Ruins. (24 in case you're counting with me) Definitely put this series on your must read list! I definitely count this series among the best of the best in YA right now!This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: