I'm not even entirely sure where to start with my review because this series as a whole was absolute perfection for me. I do not envy any author who has to wrap up a series but everyone should take notes because this is how you do it. Book 4 - Summer Ruins is the culmination of everything that The Dissidents have been fighting for. Captured by The Others, their lives are spared when Deshi points out their value to the Prime Other and so Pax, Althea, and Lucas are sent to The Harvest Site to spend their remaining time on Earth as slaves. Reuniting with those they can consider friends they put in motion a plan to escape and begin working to do whatever is necessary to save their world. I don't even want to tell you anymore about the plot arc of this book because I don't want to give anything away so instead I'm going to focus on the reasons you should run and pick up this series. 1. The covers are gorgeous... I just purchased the fourth book and I can't wait to lay them out next to each other to create the full picture. I do realize that's a lame excuse to read/buy but come on they are gorgeous and I'm a cover hoor. 2. The characters - From Althea, Pax and Lucas to even the more minor characters of Leah and Griffin and Greer you won't be disappointed with a single one. Each of them are fleshed out incredibly well and if you asked me a favorite I couldn't even tell you because I loved them all. I especially adored the relationships between all the Dissidents and even though the end of book 3 happened, the precipice that Trisha had me on, wondering about Deshi throughout this book, was perfect. I never knew what to think about him and I love when an author can keep me guessing. 3. Romance *sigh* - While it's not a major point in the story, it's so subtle and it's so wonderfully done. He lies down against my back, our heads sharing the single pillow, and stretches out until the length of him presses against the length of me. His heavy arm drapes over me, hand landing against my stomach, and pulls me tight against him. The kiss Lucas presses to the nape of my neck sends shivers through me that must transfer to him, but he doesn't move.I go to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat, the feel of his cool breath on the back of my neck, wrapped in the scent of pine and needles and an incomparable feeling of belonging.4. Lucas - "I'm sorry if the thought of losing her makes me want to die. If I can make sure that doesn't happen, that's what I'm going to do. Pax, please start talking again so that I can stop babbling."5. The bad guys - Even the bad guys are deliciously evil. I loved Zakej and Kendaja and even the smaller bits we got of The Prime Other. The pure evil they portrayed were awesome. 6. The plot - the world that Leigh created was incredibly unique. I know, I know... Aliens sound kind of weird, but they aren't aliens like little green men aliens and the idea that these Others have taken away all emotions from humans is completely different from anything I've ever read. Because this happens in the future you get the back story of what happened to the world, why it was the way it was when The Others arrived and I thought the world building was wonderful. So... have I babbled enough to get you to run out and get these books? I am serious when I tell you that you need to have these in your collection. If you're looking for something different than your typical dystopian definitely pick up The Last Year series. It's complete!! This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: