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Fiction Fare

I read books like it's my job... even though it's not! My blog is called Fic Fare! Please make sure you're following me over there www.fictionfare.blogspot.com  

Please friend/follow me if you're truly interested in having book conversations.


Other things you might want to know... - I read... too much sometimes probably, but I love it. - I love to use gifs. you've been warned. - I'm not afraid to share my opinion. Even if it's unpopular. We can't all like the same things, but I'll be respectful and I expect you to be as well. Thanks for checking me out! Can't wait to discuss all the books with you!!

Currently reading

Finnikin of the Rock
Melina Marchetta
The Unwanteds
Lisa McMann
Emma Trevayne
Steelheart (Reckoners, #1)
Brandon Sanderson
In Time (The Darkest Minds, #1.5)
Alexandra Bracken

Crash Into Me by Tracy Wolff

Crash Into Me - Tracy Wolff

Crash Into Me by Tracy Wolff
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Admittedly rockstars aren’t my thing… there’s really only one who does it for me and he certainly doesn’t have long hair and play hard rock… (*sigh* Chris Martin)

BUT I wanted to try this series – I’m a big fan of the Brazen series books and why not try a series title ‘Shaken Dirty #1’.

Jamison has known Ryder Montgomery forever. Ryder is friends with her brother, Jared and just so happens to be the frontman of the band they’re both in called… you guessed it. Shaken Dirty.

Shaken Dirty has started to take off… they’ve become wildly popular and fame is affecting the members of the band differently. Jamison has always had a crush on Ryder, though he’s never seen her as more than a little sister.

“I grew up with the whole group of you. I saw you screw up with girls, crash your cars, get grounded. Hell, I saw both of you cry over guitar lessons and G.I. Joe dolls. And now you’re all grown up, bad-ass rockers who can have anything and anyone they desire. Whoop-de-do.”

A streak of bad luck in Jamison’s life sets up the story and has her joining the band on the tour bus to cook for them, which puts her in close proximity of Ryder who suddenly has taken more of an interest in Jamison than he ever has before.

Ryder of course is the tortured, rockstar. He’s still struggling with a tragic loss and so he refuses to let anyone in emotionally. One-night stands are his go-to and besides, as the sister of his best friend, Jamison is off-limits. She’s worth more than a fling and just one night.

"He was playing with fire. He knew he was. Just like he knew he was going to get burned-this was Jared's sister, after all. Little Jamison,"

But the draw they have to each other is undeniable and they eventually succumb to the chemistry, but Jamison isn’t fooling herself. She knows that Ryder will only be around for a short while, and she’s going to take advantage of it while she can.

I will say that the tension and build up for these two was really well done. That forbidden relationship feel that Wolfe gives the story adds to the anticipation of when everything is going to hit the fan. I also really enjoyed Jamison as a character. She is determined to make her own way in life not depending on her brother’s wallet for anything. It definitely made her admirable in my eyes.

I think for me though, the story fell a bit flat. I didn’t really connect with the characters, even the secondary ones in the form of the other band members. And for as much as I like sexy times… these were a little overdone for me. And that’s saying a lot.

If you’re looking for a story that features damaged characters with an emotionally heavy ‘friends to more’ theme then this series might be a good fit for you.

Thanks to Entangled for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare:

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The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Traitor  - Julie Kagawa

The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Ethan Chase knows he will never be normal. Caught between the human and the Faery worlds he’s aiming for as close to it as he can.
Kenzie is a step in the right direction for him.

The Iron Traitor is book 2 in The Call of The Forgotten series, a spin-off from the Iron Fey Series, and it’s a strong second book.

Previously, Ethan has been angry, and closed off to any kind of friendships or relationships, simply because the fey always seemed to cause problems. Now that he has Kenzie in his life, he finds himself making an effort to try for normal.

That is until Annwyl pleads for his help in finding Kierran. Annwyl is fading and she’s afraid of what Kierran is going to do to make sure that doesn’t happen.

I’m not sure if I’ve said this before, but one of the reasons I love Julie Kagawa and one of the things she is amazing at is the incredible world building she does. From the worlds of the Never Never to the In Between I find her descriptions perfectly done and wonderfully described.

I also adore her characters. Kenzie is quickly becoming a favorite. She’s fierce and determined and despite the many times she could have given up on Ethan and this thing between them, she never did and she stands up for herself, demanding to be a part of this life that Ethan has always tried to keep hidden. Ethan is just as wonderful. His determination to keep Kenzie safe and help Annwyl and find Kierran are all telling as to his character. He’s loyal and strong… but he also issues with opening up to those he cares about. He fears losing those important to him and still struggles with the feelings of abandonment from Meghan’s leaving.

The Iron Fey series is one of my favorites, and it’s nice to be able to revisit those characters I met way back when… Grimalkin, Meghan, Puck and yes, Ash are even in this book in brief appearances.

And Kierran. I don’t even know what to say about him. He confuses me and I struggle to understand his character and motives… but I know Kagawa will fill me in at her own pace.

The end of this book will have you reeling and while I found the first half of the story slower paced and a bit harder to get in to, I still loved it all the same. I knew the story wasn’t going to be complete without something that would knock me over, and Kagawa delivers.

If you haven’t read the Iron Fey Series… go. Then pick up this series, I promise you’ll enjoy the world that Kagawa has created and the story she weaves. I’m looking forward to book three more than ever!

Thank you to Harlequin Teen and Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare:

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Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst

Searching for Someday  - Jennifer Probst

Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars rounding to 4

Kate has given up on love… which wouldn’t be so weird if she wasn’t a matchmaker.

Kate and her two best friends have launched their own matchmaking service called Kinnection. Focusing on all areas of making connections for the people who walk through their doors.

Kate has always been able to sense romantic connections and it’s helped make the business a success, but little did Kate know that signing Jane Montgomery would change her life.

Divorce lawyer, Slade Montgomery has seen what the end of relationships can do to people and he’s seen his sister hit rock bottom because of a relationship and when she tells Slade she’s ready to move on in her life and make her own way he freaks. Then he finds out that she’s signed up for some crazy matchmaking company. Convinced he knows what’s best for her he storms through the doors demanding they refund Jane’s money and never contact her again. He wasn’t expecting to have to match wits with Kate.

When he convinces Kate the only way he’ll let Jane do this is if she can find someone for him he is sure he’s won. Kate is sure she’s going to win this. She wasn’t expecting to have to fight her feelings at every turn.

I have to admit, this is my first Jennifer Probst book, and I wasn’t at all disappointed. I really found myself hooked on her characters. Kate was someone I could identify with and she was smart and determined. And she didn’t take any shit from Slade.

Slade… this man. He’s jaded… he’s seen the horror that a crumbling relationship can cause and so he isn’t looking for anything serious. And he’s not shy. The things that came out of his mouth…

” If I cross this room, there’s no more running away. I’m going to fuck you until there’s nothing left. I won’t be gentle. Think carefully.”
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And the chemistry between Kate and Slade is explosive and really well done. I loved the UST in this one because the build up to them finally giving in was done perfectly. I loved the determination that Slade had as well. He knew what he wanted and despite her continually pushing him into the arms of other women, he never lost sight of it.

A few things… word choices… I’m picky. You guys know this about me. I am not a fan of the word channel, and there are way too many instances of it.

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I liked the start of this series, and I will definitely be checking out any others in this series that arrive. I have a feeling we’ll get a chance to see the other ladies who run Kinnection in the future.

If you’re looking for a light quick romance with snarky characters, wonderful banter and some hot sexy times this would be a great book to pick up.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare:

View all my reviews

Yours To Keep by Serena Bell

Yours to Keep - Serena Bell

Yours to Keep by Serena Bell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Ana Travares has spent the better part of her life staying in the background, never drawing attention to herself. She can't, because if she does, someone could find out that she's not in the U.S. legally. She came here legally, but circumstances happened and her VISA expired and fear of being sent back to the Dominican Republic has kept her quiet.

Ana has made a life for herself though, she works with adult students to teach them English and she also works as a tutor through the nearby High School. When a handsome pediatrician, Ethan Hansen, saves her from the creepy Principal, he asks for a favor. Please tutor his son who desperately needs help.

Ethan has been on his own for many years. The death of his first wife left him with a son and a busy pediatrician office. Theo, his son, has gotten the short end of the stick. Whatever time Ethan has after long work days and doing household things, is then spent with Theo... which isn't much and Theo is rebelling.

Ana agrees despite the trouble that can only come from the budding relationship between her and Ethan and also Theo.

There really was kind of a lot going on in this story... while we're learning about Ana and Ethan there are a few other issues. We get a side story about Ricky, Ana's brother and the struggle that they go through as illegals in the US. We also get a bit of a story about a patient that Ethan is dealing with and of course the story of what is going on with his son. For me, it was almost too much.

The story itself was well-written and Ethan is definitely swoony.

If you're looking for something with a somewhat unique plot (the end was a bit predictable but the actual characters were somewhat different)with a bit of drama and a lot of sweet and swoon definitely pick up Yours To Keep. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on Serena Bell in the future.

Thank you to Loveswept and Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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The Fifth Favor by Shelby Reed

The Fifth Favor - Shelby Reed

The Fifth Favor by Shelby Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars rounding up to 5

Billie Cort, a reporter, has been granted entrance into a world that some people can only imagine. Avalon is a very private club that caters to very private women, providing them with the best of the best and granting their deepest and darkest desires.

She's writing an article on the clubs most popular escort, Adrian. Billie is surprised by the immediate reaction she has to the sensual man and try as she might, she struggles to get the real answers she's looking for.

Adrian's life may seem like he has it all, but he's been hiding who he is for years. The money and the women were enough when he started, but he sees all the things he's missing in his life once he starts talking to Billie. And he's drawn to her like no one else.

”Maybe I need this.” The fierce words rushed between his lips, flavored with sudden desperation. “Maybe I need it with you, right here, tonight. You’re so damn innocent, Billie. It sets me on fire.”

I'm not going to lie... I wasn't entirely sure I was going to love this book. Mostly because, well there's no getting around it... Adrian, our hero is a male escort. And there is no denying he’s good at his job.

But there is more to him than what he does and I found him immediately intriguing. The push and pull between Billie and Adrian was interesting to me because for a much as you want them together as a couple, you can’t help but question how his profession would get in the middle of it. Despite the attempts at normality, dates and meeting his family, it always seems to be the one thing that can’t and shouldn’t be forgotten.

”Why did you invite me tonight, Adrian?”

He glanced at her then back at the road. “You remind me that there’s still a world out there,” he said simply.

It’s absolutely things like this, dialogue like this, that pulled me in and made me fall for Adrian. He’s such a dichotomy that you can’t help but wonder about the man underneath this façade he portrays for the women who pay for him.

For a man whose life encompassed the raw, emotionless aspect of base human urges, he was unequivocally inclined toward gentleness.

As it goes, Billie and Adrian exchange favor for favor and suddenly they’re in deeper with each other than they’d ever planned or expected.

But there is another part of this story… that of his friend Lucien. And unfortunately his is not a happy or pleasant story. But it’s also where I felt the story was kind of forced. I didn’t believe for one bit that the police would have pursued anything with Adrian and I find it hard to believe that Azure could have hidden all proof of where Adrian was the evening Lucian died.

That said, I didn’t feel as if it took away from the actual story. The characters that Reed has created are well developed and full of life. The story pacing is perfectly done and thankfully (for me) we don’t get much detail in the way of his professional appointments. The chemistry between Billie and Adrian is really well done and the tension and interactions between the two so believable and the steam…*fans self*.

If you’re looking for a story of redemption and forgiveness filled with emotion and interesting characters look no further. The Fifth Favor will fill each of those requirements.

Thank you to Berkley Trade for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Review: Allegiant

Allegiant  - Veronica Roth

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)Allegiant by Veronica Roth

I will eventually review this ... but for now.

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Review: Roman Holiday 2: Hitched by Ruthie Knox

Hitched - Ruthie Knox

Roman Holiday 2: HitchedRoman Holiday 2: Hitched by Ruthie Knox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this installment, we join Roman and Ashley shortly after she conned him into giving her a ride to her friends place... only she didn't specify where her friend lived and Roman didn't think to ask, so now he's stuck with her for an extended trip. Hauling her Windstream trailer... on his fancy truck.

Let's just say that while this installment is filled with some hijinks, we're getting to know both Ashley and Roman a bit more.

Ashley lets us see that despite her bravado, she's actually a bit sensitive to what people feel and think about her. After going through life feeling like no one chooses her, she's devastated to know that her grandmother quite possibly felt that way as well.

Roman also reveals a bit more about himself too. His history and how he got where he is today and the actual depth of his debt on the property he is at war over. We also find out a tiny bit about Carmen and Heberto.

I have to say that my favorite thing about this is the banter and the interactions between Roman and Ashley. Despite the needling that Ashley does, and the way Roman tries to keep his cool, you can see that something of a friendship is developing between them. No matter how hard they try to deny it.

Definitely looking forward to the next installment to see what happens as their very loose friendship progresses.

Thank you to Ruthie and Loveswept for the advance copies in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Review: Roman Holiday 1: Chained by Ruthie Knox

Chained - Ruthie Knox

Roman Holiday 1: Chained
by Ruthie Knox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ruthie Knox has a fan for life in me... I was able to read the first three of these serials back to back (lucky me
In the first 'episode' we meet our main characters. Ashley, has recently lost her grandmother and along with the one person who tied her down to earth the place she had considered her home.

Her grandmother sold the vacation rental that Ashley was hoping to inherit one day to a Miami developer named Roman Diaz. And she never told Ashley a thing about that or the sickness that eventually took her life.

Without thinking anything through, Ashley chains herself to a tree on the property demanding that Roman stop the destruction of the resort she considers home.

Roman isn't quite sure what to make of Ashley. He's fought for the things he has in life... his fancy suits, his fancy car and this oceanfront property that will make him ... or break him.

I love that Roman and Ashley are on completely different wavelengths ... Ashley looks at Roman and sees a mean money grubbing land developer too straight-laced to see beyond what the land that the resort is on is worth. Roman looks at Ashley and sees someone who has never had a care in the world, someone who flits through life without any drive.

When these two finally butt heads in person I loved every second of it, and when Roman finally gives in to the demands of Ashley in order to get her off the property it was perfection.

Ruthie is doing something wonderfully unique with these novella length stories and I'm so incredibly excited for it. You're going to want to jump into these as soon as you can because, as she always does, Knox creates unique and captivating characters that will have you frowning in sympathy one minutes and cackling with laughter the next.

Put this series on your 'To Be Read' list... you don't want to miss out!

thank you to Ruthie and Loveswept for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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Review: Origin by Jennifer Armentrout

Origin - Jennifer L. Armentrout

Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gah!! What the hell am I supposed to say after that ending!!!

Origin starts where Opal left off… Katy has been taken, and Daemon’s focus is on one thing only. Getting her back. He’ll do whatever it takes.

“Did you think you could stop me? I'll burn the world down to save her.”

Katy’s only goal is to survive and get back to Daemon. But Daedalus is more than any of them could have guessed and they are ruthless in their goals.

The first half of this book is a rollercoaster of action and information. We get alternating points of view from Katy and Daemon and honestly Katy goes through some pretty horrific things. But she doesn’t give up. You guys know I love my kickass heroines, and Katy is definitely coming into her own in that category.

Daemon once again is perfection in the form of an arrogant, confident alien. He’s so protective of Katy, and knowing what happened with Dawson and Beth, you can only imagine the fear he has over what she is going through when he’s not with her.

Eventually Katy and Daemon are reunited and as usual, the swoons are there.

“I want a years-worth of seconds and minutes with you. I want a decade's worth of hours, so many that I can't add them up.”

But what I love best about these two is the banter and the affection they have for each other. But that’s not what Origin is about.

Katy and Daemon learn some of Daedalus’s nefarious plans. And they are witness to some of the experiments they have been doing as well as forced participants.

I have to say that Armentrout writes some wonderful characters and that is what draws me to her books. In Origin we get some new characters that I really am enjoying getting to know … Archer. And we get some more from the other characters that we’ve come to love. Dee, Dawson and Beth as well as several others.

Origin will have you on the edge of your seat… At this point, I don’t know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. There are unexpected deaths and betrayals. There are twists and turns. And you won’t see a single one coming.

If you’ve been waiting to read these books for some reason… go now. The end of Origin has me impatient for the final book in this series Opposition. I’m excited and nervous for what Jen has in store for us readers.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: 

Review: Haze by Paula Weston

Haze  - Paula Weston

Haze by Paula Weston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars - I’m not even exaggerating when I say that I’ve tried writing this review a handful of times and stopped because I wasn’t quite sure what to tell you. This has become one of my favorite series out there … enough that I bought the books from overseas because I couldn’t wait until they finally came out here.

Haze actually picks up shortly after book 1, Shadows. Gaby is no longer having the nightmares that brought her and Rafa together, but she still struggles with remembering her other life. The life where she and her brother Jude were at odds. Mystery still plays a big part in this story because Gaby has no idea what happened with Jude… what caused the accident that has her believing he is dead and the question arises as to whether Jude is truly gone. Rafa is convinced he’s not.

Gaby struggles with moving forward… and continues to find reason after reason not to go on the search, which kind of stalls the progression of the plot of this story, but in no way took away from the enjoyment of reading for me. I can understand her struggle with hoping that Jude is still alive and I can understand her hesitancy to find out the truth about what actually happened a year ago. That doesn’t mean I’m not impatient and want her to suck it up and get going. I love Gaby. She has her vulnerable and soft side, but we almost never see it. She’s kick-ass and tough and snarky.

Rafa glances at me as we walk. His hair looks fairer out here in the sunlight. Right now I’d like to run my fingers through it, get a good handful, and smack his head into the brick wall we’re passing.

We do get to see some relationship type of things develop between her and Rafa here. But I have to say that the more Rafa refuses to tell Gaby about their past the more I’m curious to know exactly what kind of past it was. It only makes me more eager for Gaby to get all her memories back, and yet I'm afraid of what those memories will bring.

Rafa of course is arrogant, sexy and brooding … he’s determined to find Jude, but he needs Gaby’s help.

"But what if we can’t find Jude?"

He leans closer. His breath is warm on my ear. "We will."

"How can you be so sure?" I want to believe him so badly, but this is Rafa. The guy who’s all action and no plan. His smile is tired, knowing. An echo of a shared past I don’t remember.

"Because I’m not smart enough to give up, and you don’t know how to."

I love that the story hasn’t become about the romance between Gaby and Rafa … it’s hovering out there in the distance, and we get bits and pieces of it, but it’s not what Weston is focusing on. Instead we get to see snippets of the evolution of their relationship… the tenderness that Rafa is starting to show towards Gaby, the confusion that Gaby has because of her missing memories and how that impacts them together… I am really loving how Weston is pacing this part of the story. But what I really love about these two is that Rafa sees her strength and pushes her to try to remember who she used to be. Despite the fact that it may change her feelings for him going forward.

All that said, what Gaby’s stalling early on in the story does lead to, is a handful of subplots that while interesting, kind of slowed the book down a bit. We are drawn into several other dramas before we get to the meat of the story that I really had been dying for since the end of Shadows. Don’t get me wrong, they are interesting in their own right and definitely add to the overall arc of the story, but I was dying for these two to get to Melbourne. Let me just say I was so excited when we finally got there. We readers got some resolution!

And that’s all I’ll say about that.

What I will say is this – if you aren’t reading this series yet, go get it. Weston has created vibrant, wonderful characters that jump off the page and a story that will have you captivated from the start of book 1. If you’re looking for something amazing in the paranormal / fantasy genre then this series should be on top of your list. Filled with mystery, action, humor and romance… there is a little bit of something for everyone and the end will have you begging for the next book. I know I am!

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: 

Review - Sweetest Mistake by Candis Terry

Sweetest Mistake  - Candis Terry

Sweetest Mistake by Candis Terry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jackson Wilder has had a rough couple years, but the firefighter and former Marine is making his own way. When his former best friend returns to Sweet all the emotions he pushed away are suddenly brought to the surface and he’s determined to confront her about the past.

Abby Morgan has returned to Sweet after her sham of a marriage falls apart and she’s tossed aside. She’s readying her parents’ home for sale. She was hoping to be in and out of Sweet before even being noticed, but that’s not the case when Jackson shows up on her doorstep. Just seeing him reawakens all the feelings she has buried away.

The last time they saw each other, Jackson was heading off to war after an amazing night spent in each other’s arms. But Abby was his best friend and the only person he can confide in and despite sharing all his firsts with her he’s not willing to risk that for the possibility of a relationship.

His lack of any kind of promise drove Abby away and into the arms of her now ex-husband Mark Rich. But being back in Sweet renews all the old feelings she had for Jackson and while he may deny that they may have feelings that are more than friend related she is determined to get him to see her as more.

First let’s talk about Jackson. *fans self* Best. Dad. Ever. We get to see him as a father… letting his 3 year old putting makeup on him and doing his hair … singing along to Disney movies and entertaining his daughter. But he struggles with his demons… the death of his brother and the guilt he carries because of it. He struggles with the idea that he scares his daughter because of those demons. And he struggles with the idea that he and Abby can’t have anything more than friendship. Oh… and he says stupid things. LOL But holy crap does he make up for it in sexiness and swoon.

I really liked Abby too. She was relatable and strong and determined to have Jackson see her for who she could be to him instead of being stuck in the friendzone. But his stubbornness is definitely going to be a problem.

As in the first book in the Sweet, Texas series, Terry has given us a wonderful small town feel with memorable characters and stories. The Wilder boys are larger than life and Jana Wilder, their mother remains one of my favorites.

You can definitely see the setup for the hopefully upcoming books which I assume will give us more on the remaining Wilder boys, Jesse and Jake. While the plot of the story itself isn’t completely different, Terry writes with a fresh voice and gives us interesting characters and stories that I can be invested and interested in.

If you’re looking for a light-hearted romance with some sexy guys you definitely need to add the Sweet, Texas series to your to read list.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare:

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The Rules of Regret by Megan Squires

The Rules of Regret - Megan Squires

The Rules of Regret by Megan Squires
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

So the cover of this book is what pulled me in… it’s gorgeous and after reading the story, fits perfectly.

I was pleasantly surprised by this story. I have been shying away from unknown authors in the self-published arena simply because the quality just hasn’t been there. This one, for me, was up to par. Other than a few editing errors I was quite happy with the final product.

Now, the story – nineteen year old Darby has spent the last six years of her life basically living for other people. When her boyfriend of 6 years goes to Washington for an internship for 6 weeks she suddenly comes to the realization that her whole life revolves around him and his decisions. She decides to check into a summer job working for a survival camp. A few pushy emails later she’s signed on as a counselor and prepared to make the most out of it.

Torin Westbrook was a wonderful surprise in this story. He’s not your typical book boyfriend for sure. Oh, he’s got the shaggy, disheveled hair, and the dimples and the perfect one-liners, but he’s different. He’s not a bad boy, he’s not a man whore, he’s just someone who’s pretty sure of what he wants in life and he’s prepared to make it happen. It may not be the popular route but it’s the right path for him. I was intrigued by his self-assuredness and maturity. But I did find that on occasion he seemed to talk down to Darby which immediately had my hackles up.

Despite that, Torin and Darby bond over shared losses in their lives and their friendship blooms. But beneath the surface there is an undeniable attraction between them, which confuses Darby because she loves her boyfriend. He’s been there for her through everything …

I will say this. I was slightly bored through this story. The tropes used were predictable and I saw certain things coming quite early on, which is probably why I was bored. I wasn’t surprised by anything and that definitely affected my enjoyment of the story.

Also… I felt like Darby was such a doormat. I’m all for making relationships work, but when everything comes out about her history with her boyfriend I was kind of like

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Plus then there was this line that I couldn’t help but think of Twilight after reading because…

”Remember, you have my heart, okay? So I’m always sorta with you.”

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BUT those things aside...

The writing is done well, and the story is entertaining. I really enjoyed Darby as a character… she is on a path of self-revelation and Torin is the one who seems to be giving her the shove she needed. He helps her realize that she never really has moved on from that 13 year old girl whose life changed in so many ways because of this one defining moment.

I also really enjoyed the build of the friendship between Torin and Darby. They were definitely cute together.

If you’re looking for a contemporary romance without all the overdone sex scenes … just a couple of nineteen year olds learning how to be friends and build a relationship, then definitely check this book out.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare:

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Finding It by Cora Carmack

Finding It  - Cora Carmack

Everyone deserves one grand adventure, that one time in life that we always get to point back to and say, "Then...then I was really living."

Cora Carmack has done it again. Finding it is book 3 in the Losing It series and lives up to its predecessors. Carmack is a standout in the New Adult genre for sure, an author that I can count on for a story that has memorable characters and a story that keeps me riveted page after page. 

Kelsey Summers is trying to find herself. 

Her recent graduation from college has left her with no responsibilities and no plans. She’s taken to traveling, drinking, dancing and sleeping her way around Europe. You know the phrase ‘poor little rich girl’? That is Kelsey to a T. 

Enter Jackson Hunt. 

"Strong, stubbled jaw, delicious muscles, epitome of tall, dark and dangerous, big, warm, masculine, buzz cut, ex-United States Marines Crops" 

Their first encounter isn’t anything to write home about. She spies him across a bar laughing hysterically at the man who is basically eating her face under the guise of giving her a kiss. When they finally meet face to face, their attraction is immediate, though Jackson is determined not to give in to it. 

Jackson is mysterious… He has secrets … ones that he can’t share with Kelsey and though their attraction is intense, instead of taking advantage of it, he convinces her to go on an adventure with him. But Kelsey has her own secrets she’s not willing to share just yet.

I have to admit that I did figure things out pretty early on in this story, the secret that Jackson was keeping from Kelsey wasn’t hard to figure out. But that didn’t take anything away from this story itself. I still found myself turning the pages wondering what would happen next. 

I was intrigued by Kelsey. It’s rare that we get a bad girl as the protagonist and she was all that and more. But getting to know her along the way, you realize that she is so incredibly self-aware, and you can’t help but cheer for her. There is a turning point where she wants to be a better person than she is, and for me that was admirable. Don’t get me wrong, you may not like her at all… she’s spoiled and whiny and sometimes… incredibly irritating but she gets better.

What starts out as a random trip for her to get away from her parents and her regular life eventually turns into a trip filled with moments of healing and discovering who she truly is.

Let’s go back to Jackson for a minute. 

The man is sexy. And sweet, and protective and just plain wonderful. He will definitely give you the swoons.

So, Dark and Dangerous was really just a Prince Charming with buzz cut. That shouldn't have been appealing. Normally, I couldn't stand that kind of thing. But against all odds, I could feel myself softening, the edges of my will blurring

"You're not horrible, Kelsey. You are vibrant and beautiful, and you burn. Burn so vividly. Fires can damage, but they're also beautiful and vital and they can purify and give the chance to start fresh. You're not horrible. Not at all."

The chemistry between Kelsey and Jackson was off the charts and I loved it. The big issue though, is that while Kelsey is finding herself, and leaning on Jackson along the way… and falling for him, she never truly knows him because he can’t share the secrets he’s hiding. When everything finally hits the fan, boy it really hits the fan. 

If you’re looking for something in the New Adult genre that’s well-written with intriguing characters definitely give this one a read.

Thank you to William Morrow and Edelweiss for the advance copy for an honest review.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: 


October Readalong Details - Divergent & Insurgent!




Pretty sure no words are necessary for this one, but we're in preparation mode - Allegiant comes out on October 22nd and we're planning a refresher by rereading Divergent & Insurgent 


We are going to do it a little differently for a couple reasons this time - 

1. Divergent is 487 pages and Insurgent is 496 pages

2. We are hoping more people will participate.


We hope that you will be able to join us on all or any of the dates listed below to start the readalong experience. We hope to have a list of chapters we're going to read each week, so follow along to keep up to date on the details.


Please make sure you're in the Facebook Group for discussion and other details! 

Without further ado... here are the dates!!


Thursday, October 3rd

Saturday, October 5th

Thursday, October 10th

Saturday, October 12th

Thursday, October 17th

Saturday, October 19th


We'll be starting at 8pm CST each night and hope that you'll be able to participate! We'll be doing giveaways and sharing quotes and feelings and it's going to be so much fun!


Time After Time (Time Between Us #2)

Time After Time - Tamara Ireland Stone

I was so incredibly excited when I found out that there would be a book 2 to Time Between Us, so when I noticed Time After Time was up at Netgalley I hit 'request' andpatiently stared at my inbox. I had to know what the future held for Anna and Bennett and Tamara Ireland Stone did not disappoint. 

In Time After Time Anna and Bennett have committed to a relationship with each other, even though it seems as though it would be impossible. They've scheduled when he will be there for her... dances and races and the important times and they are determined to make it work. But things, as they should know by now, don't always go as planned. And messing with time itself can have ramifications.

Because Anna sat here once, Right next to me, and handed me a letter that told me I'd meet her someday. I wish she'd warned me that when I did, I wouldn't quite know how to be here without her. 

Bennett sees an event that he shouldn't have though, and suddenly he finds himself struggling with his place in Anna's life. He worries that he shouldn't be there and questions whether they are doing the right thing by pursuing a relationship that is less than guaranteed. The struggle and realities of the situation are immense.

"All I want is a normal relationship with you, and when I'm here, it feels like I have it. But when I'm there...I just miss you. All the time."

Throughout the story you feel the urgency that Bennett has to continually get back to Anna instead of staying in his own time. The lengths he goes to, to make it all happen is a beautiful thing. If you think regular long-distance relationships are hard... this makes those look like a walk in the park. 

Ireland definitely excels at character building, and I loved that this was told in Bennett's point of view this time around. We get to see interaction with his family... namely Brooke, who was mostly just a name in Time Between Us, but has become a wonderful character in book 2, as well as bits and pieces of his relationship with his parents. I really liked that they knew about this strange talent he has and even though I didn't care for the pressure from his father, I understood it. 

Even his interactions with Anna's family were really well done, namely Anna's protective father and it's not often that you even see parents in YA books these days, but I love that they were present here. 

Those of you romance lovers out there, won't be disappointed either. Stone gives us the sweet romantic teenage love that you can't help but sigh and swoon over. But... and I have to say this... they aren't stupid about it. They both realize that at any time Bennett could get pushed back to his own time and this life that they have with each other could disappear. But I also loved that when things got tough, Anna didn't give up, she stood up for him and their relationship when everyone around her was questioning it, and you always know how Bennett feels about her even though he struggles with where he fits into her life. 

Ultimately this book raises some moral questions, which I won't get into specific situations because I don't want to give things away, but among them 'should Bennett be changing things in the past? Even though this 'talent' he has allows for it, how does it impact things that will happen in the future? And how has his being in Anna's life impacted her future... 

And finally, the ending. I can't even explain coherently how I feel about that end. It was complete and absolute perfection. So I'll leave it at that.

If you haven't picked up this series, you should do so now. This is what all Contemporary YA should aspire to... a beautifully told story filled with love, romance, and friendship. 

Thank you to Netgalley & Disney Hyperion for an advanced copy for review.

This review can be found on my blog Fic Fare:



Review: The Private Research of Sebastian Graham

Private Research - Sabrina Darby

I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I grabbed this book, but I will say I was unexpectedly surprised!

Mina Cavallari is in London researching her dissertation topic and her time is running out. She still hasn’t found the information she needs to back up her paper. The one person she never expects to run into is Sebastian Graham. 

Sebastian is a part of her past, one she’d rather forget. Their last interaction in the states left her realizing how inexperienced and naïve she was and she has spent the last two years changing that. 

But the numerous one-night stands and casual sex weren’t what she wanted either and her downward spiral left her reeling at missing deadlines and meetings that could have jeopardized her future. She buckled down and changed her ways again, but she was no longer the virginal girl that Sebastian would remember.

Dinner plans lead to an opportunity for Mina to finally get her taste of Sebastian… and she isn’t going to pass it up, but she’s also going in with her eyes open, fully aware that Seb is a very sexual man who wasn’t into commitment. 

“He was this odd mix of elegant, perceptive, and crude. Oddly, the crude didn’t bother me.”

And let me tell you, the crude didn’t bother me either!!

“Do you have any idea how sexy you look right now? Spread open for me? Your pussy soft and wet. The taste of you still on my lips.” I didn’t answer. Couldn’t. 

I can’t lie… I completely fell for Sebastian. 

What Mina thinks is going to be a one-night stand with Seb turns into something neither of them expected. Though it’s definitely not all play for them. Seb is researching his grandfather’s journals and on the search for a Gentlemen’s Club called Harridan House. He asks for Mina’s help and so she extends her stay in London and moves into his flat. 

I thought the pacing of the story was really well done and the characters were fairly well fleshed out. I truly enjoyed getting to know them. This story is told in Mina’s perspective so we do only get one side of the story, but I think that Darby did a really good job of showing us as readers that Mina’s perspective was a bit skewed based on her history with him. She never really could see him as something serious simply because she couldn’t let herself go there. 

The chemistry between the two of them was so well done… my only complaint though and this is just a personal thing… I really hate using the word penis in love scenes. It just is so jarring to me for some reason. I mean I totally get that is what it is, but I’m a girl who likes the word cock or dick lol (OMG I just typed that!) 

I really liked the evolution of their ‘relationship’ to the discussion of their fantasies … and I really loved what Mina had to say when asked about hers… 

“There’s a difference between what turns me on and what I really want to experience.”

Harridan House offers them a safe haven of sorts to experience some of the things they desire… but it also opens up a lot of issues for Mina and ultimately something happens that had me cringing because OMG. 

All that said, the thing that stood out the most for me about this story is that the characters acted their ages. Sebastian, rather than push Mina away when a misunderstanding arises forces conversation and they work through whatever might be the problem. I absolutely loved loved loved seeing a hero who could act mature. 

I did think that toward the end, Mina’s work on her dissertation ended up taking a backseat to the sexy times and the hunt for Harridan House. Though we do get a bit of a wrap up at the end, I was surprised it wasn’t more a part of the actual story since it was kind of a big part of it throughout. 

If you’re looking for something that toes the line … makes you step outside your comfort zone, this might just be the book for you… (though not for you BFF… not for you.) I'll definitely be looking for more stuff from Darby in the future.

Definitely give this one a read when it comes out in October! 

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare
